December 7, 2022

11 Questions to Ask Your Potential Digital Marketing Agency

digital marketing agency

In the modern world, more and more business is going online. Pasting up posters and handing out flyers isn’t going to cut it anymore. Since over 85% of the US population is online, it only makes sense to advertise digitally. But choosing the right digital marketing agency to partner with can be difficult. There are so many companies around, so you need to do your research to get the best option for you.

There are a few things you should ask any digital marketing agency you’re considering working with. Read on to find out 11 of the most important questions.

1. What Services Do You Offer?

Digital marketing is a term that covers quite a few different areas. It could be anything from boosting SEO to creating a new website. You need to ensure your chosen company offers all the services you need to push your business to the next level.

Think carefully about the types of marketing you require. Are you looking to help more potential customers find you online? Or perhaps you want to sell products to existing customers?

Discuss your needs with your chosen company and find out if they offer the services you need. If you’re looking for SEO content but you hire a company that only does web design, you might not get the best result.

Here at Ten Peaks Media, we offer a wide variety of marketing services. We can create a new website, run a social media ad campaign, or provide SEO services. We have expertise in lots of different fields, so just let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll do our best to help.

2. How Long Have You Been in the Business?

A digital marketing campaign could be the most important event in the history of your business. If things go right, your company could push on to new frontiers. So, you need to know you’re working with experience.

Experience is important. You should look for a firm that’s been in operation for a long time and has plenty of experienced employees.

We’ve been working in digital marketing since 2006. Additionally, many of our staff members have even more experience, working in various digital marketing fields for many years. We have the expertise to turn our hand to any task and meet the usual challenges that emerge over the course of a campaign.

3. Do You Have a Portfolio?

A digital marketing company can make a lot of claims about its expertise. But the proof is in the pudding, as they say. A portfolio demonstrating previous work can help you get an idea of whether a given agency is the right fit for you.

Any company worth its salt will have a portfolio to show you, which will allow you to get an idea about the kind of work they do. A good portfolio will showcase the different kinds of work a company can do as part of a marketing campaign.

We’re proud of the work we’ve done for previous clients. You can check out our portfolio on our website.

4. What’s Your SEO Strategy?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is one of the most important marketing strategies around. It helps to bring your business’s name to the top of Google and other search engines. That creates a funnel, with customers searching for specific keywords now directed to your business.

There are two main types of SEO services: white-hat and black-hat. White-hat services create quality content, carefully studded with well-chosen keywords. Black-hat services use an excessive number of keywords, poor-quality content, and other underhanded tactics to boost your rankings.

It’s important to ensure your chosen company uses white-hat SEO tactics. Black-hat tactics are less successful in the long run and can give your business a bad name.

Good SEO isn’t slapdash. It needs a solid strategy behind it. If you work with us and require SEO services, we’ll work with you to outline a strategy that will boost your rankings over the long term.

Additionally, the SEO content we create will be entertaining and readable, providing more value to your customers and boosting your brand.

5. Who is My Point of Contact?

Communication is one of the key elements of a successful marketing strategy. As a client, you need clear streams of communication with your agency throughout the campaign. Things might change for you over the course of the campaign and you need the ability to feed in new information as it comes to you.

That’s why you need to find out about your point of contact for any campaign. You need an email address and a phone number as a bare minimum.

When you work with us, you’ll get a dedicated point of contact so you can keep tabs on the campaign and request any necessary changes.

6. Who Will Manage the Campaign?

Although there might be many people involved in a digital marketing campaign, there ought to be one person who guides the process. This should be an experienced and talented manager who can bring the team together around a single vision.

You need to know who will be in charge of your campaign. This will help you to get a better understanding of how the campaign might take shape and how you’ll best communicate with the agency.

7. What Should I Be Changing?

Along with a digital marketing campaign, your chosen agency should be able to offer some advice on improving your business’s digital presence more generally. This could be anything from producing different kinds of web content to changing your taglines.

Reach out to us and ask us for tips. We’ll be happy to offer our advice on how to grow your marketing campaign in the long term.

8. What Do You Need From Us?

The relationship between agency and client runs both ways. While a marketing agency should be able to craft the perfect campaign for you, they might need a few extra bits and pieces for the best results.

Before the campaign begins, ask what the agency needs to help everything run smoothly. This could include details of previous marketing campaigns, any market research you’ve conducted, and your long-term business plan.

 9. What Are Your Specialties?

We all have certain things we excel at in life. The same is true for digital marketing companies, Some businesses specialize in SEO, while others boast their best skills in web design.

Finding out more about an agency’s special skills will help you understand how they can excel in business. That said, you should be working with a company with well-rounded talents.

Over the years, we’ve developed our skills across the board. We have experts in a range of marketing fields. When you work with us, you’ll get the benefit of this combined expertise.

 10. What Are Your Pricing Structures?

It all comes down to that bottom line. You need to know how much a campaign will cost before it starts.

A quote is ideal. But you may also want to work out an hourly rate. After all, you never know if you might need some extra work carried out outside of your contract, so it’s best to know in advance how much this is likely to set you back.

Remember, a successful marketing campaign should bring in far more money than it costs over the long term. Making an investment now can help your company thrive in the coming years.

11. When Can I Expect Results?

In the business world, time is money. You don’t want to be sitting around for months on end waiting for business to come in, wondering why your campaign is yet to bear fruit.

As with any kind of marketing, it’s unreasonable to expect overnight results. It’s important to be patient and allow the process to run its course.

Establishing a dialogue about your expectations before the campaign begins can help you. With our vast experience, we’ll be able to give you a rough idea of when you should expect results. We’ll keep you posted throughout the campaign so you’re aware of any developments.

The Best Digital Marketing Agency in Texas!

It’s so important to be discerning when choosing a digital marketing agency. Making the right choice can send your business to the next level while choosing a substandard option can deliver mediocre results. Asking the right questions and getting as much information as possible can help you to make a great choice.

We’re one of the best digital marketing agencies in Texas. We’ll be happy to prove it by answering any questions you have. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

About Ten Peaks Media
Ten Peaks Media is a full-service, award-winning advertising and consulting agency. Founded in 2006, our Mission is to steward our clients’ brands to make strong connections with their perfect customers. Our core competencies include Branding, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Google and Local Search, Paid Media, Photography, Videography and Website Design.


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