November 18, 2021

8 Secrets to Getting More Website Traffic in 2022

Getting more website traffic is a challenging task for all businesses

As 2021 winds down, it’s a perfect time to take stock of where you are and how 2022 can be your best year ever. It takes time and dedication to drive people to your site, but the benefits of doing so are well worth it. In this blog we will reveal eight secrets that you can use immediately to increase your website traffic today!

1. Create a list of keywords that your target audience is searching for

Running a business is hard, but the internet has made it easier to market your products and services. The key to success is understanding what keywords people are searching for related to your industry or products/services that you offer. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you’re able to rank higher on Google searches and drive more traffic back to your site.

2. Use Keywords in Your Meta Tags

Optimize your SERP information. Your meta tags on each page should include keywords related to what the page is about. Meta tags are the information that displays on search engine results pages (SERPs). They are important because they tell search engines what your site is about and how it should be listed, so they can provide the best experience for searchers.

Meta tags also show up in Google’s Knowledge Graph, which is where people often go before clicking through to sites. You can edit your meta tags with good SEO practices by filling out the “Title,” “Description,” “Keywords” fields on WordPress, or using Yoast SEO plugin if you’re not using WordPress. It will help ensure that search engines understand what your website is about and rank it appropriately.

3. Update Your Social Media Profiles

Make sure all your social media profiles have been updated with fresh content and images. This includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Business Page, Pinterest, and Instagram. People want to see current information from you when they check out these sites so make sure you update them regularly!

4. Blog regularly

Blog posts are the perfect way to keep your customers and clients up to date on what’s going on in your company and industry. They’re great for SEO too- they help search engines find more content about topics that matter to them, which means it will be easier for people who need information about those topics to find yours! Blog posts also give readers something new and interesting to read on a regular basis, so they’ll come back again and again looking for new content from you!

If this sounds like something that would benefit your company or client base, we can help. We recommend at least 2 fully optimized blogs per month.

5. Create a catchy headline

Having a catchy headline can increase the number of clicks and social shares your blog post gets. This type of content is also more likely to show up on Google searches, which makes it an important part of every small business’ online marketing strategy.

6. Include an intriguing image with your post to catch the reader’s eye

In order to have a successful blog, you need to keep your readers interested. There are many ways to do this but one of the most important is having good images with your blog post. Readers will become bored if all they see on your site is text and no images; it makes them want to leave and go somewhere else where there is more entertainment value.

7. Create a blog post with “evergreen” content that will always be relevant

Evergreen content is blog post content that will always be relevant to your audience. It’s something you can publish and then never worry about it again. The best way to create evergreen content is by answering common questions or concerns that your target audience might have.

It’s important for small business owners to invest in the creation of evergreen content because it drives traffic back to their site, which means more conversions!

SEO Tip: Create a list of FAQs (frequently asked questions) related to your business niche; this will help with search engine optimization as well as provide helpful information for consumers looking for answers online.

8. Share your blog posts on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter

Social media is a great way to share your blog posts. The more you post, the more interest you will generate in your blog. It’s important that you use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to increase the visibility of your content.

The first thing to do is make sure that all of your social media profiles are linked correctly on the settings page for each site. This includes adding links back to your website or blog address so people can find it easily when they click through from one site to another. Next, start posting! Create an editorial calendar with specific times during which you’ll be updating certain pages on different platforms, then stick with it.

Contact Ten Peaks Media if you need help

We’ve seen a lot of changes in the digital marketing world since we started our company back in 2006. There are many new techniques and technologies that have emerged over the past few years, so it can be difficult to keep up with all of them at once. That is why you need an experienced partner like Ten Peaks Media on your side who will provide insights into how these strategies work for businesses just like yours, as well as what to expect from future trends. So, if you want more website traffic now or down the road, contact Josh at 830-388-8110 today!


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About Ten Peaks Media
Ten Peaks Media is a full-service, award-winning advertising and consulting agency. Founded in 2006, our Mission is to steward our clients’ brands to make strong connections with their perfect customers. Our core competencies include Branding, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Google and Local Search, Paid Media, Photography, Videography and Website Design.


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